Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is love?

This Valentine's Day is a good time to wonder about the true meaning of love. The Bachelor seems to think that a few quick dates over 1 to 2 months is enough to know if you have truly found lasting love. I have found that it is more about the little things and spending real time. Does he/she look at you strange when you're just being yourself? Do they make eye contact when you tell a story? Do they look for little ways to show they care? Do they focus on your imperfections or beautiful qualities? We all should ask ourselves if we are giving just as much love as we are receiving every day. There is no shame in giving more than we receive.

1 comment:

  1. Your new background and picture are so cute!!!

    Did you see the Bachelor this past week? Seems like it is calming down a little, but still I don't know why I watch that show. haha :)

    Now you know since I am leaving you a comment, you are supposed to leave me a comment too. :) Especially since the post is about YOU!!!
