Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The greatest gift ever

Today one of my favorite students gave me a beautiful gift bag with blue tissue paper and said "This is for you!" I said "Oh thank you." and proceeded to open the gift. As I unfolded the tissue paper I continued to see nothing. I was confused. She opened the bag and said "No, let me see." She reached into the bottom corner of the bag to pull out a piece of play-dough the size of a lima bean. It had rainbow colors drawn on it with marker. She said "It's a piece of Play-dough and I colored it for you." She was so proud of herself and smiling so wide. I sort of wanted to laugh, but it really touched my heart and I said, "Wow, thank you so much!" Basically the best gift ever and such a funny story!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Marc and I celebrated Valentine's Day on Saturday and it was lots of fun. We exchanged flowers, cards and treats, then went to lunch at Firebird's Grill in Short Pump. That place was delicious. He had his famous bacon cheeseburger and I had Chile Asiago chicken pasta with a yummy salad. If only I could eat there every day! Later I made a special dessert and we watched Time Traveler's Wife (very interesting movie) Yay for V-day!

Oliver's First Birthday!

My nephew Oliver turned 1 on Jan. 11th. Brian and Ashley wanted an idea for a Dump truck birthday cake and I found this one online. We worked together to create the famous cake, I love it and Oliver did too!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This was an abandoned barn in New Freedom PA It was fun until this lady pulled up in a van "What do you think you're doing?" We had to leave:)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is love?

This Valentine's Day is a good time to wonder about the true meaning of love. The Bachelor seems to think that a few quick dates over 1 to 2 months is enough to know if you have truly found lasting love. I have found that it is more about the little things and spending real time. Does he/she look at you strange when you're just being yourself? Do they make eye contact when you tell a story? Do they look for little ways to show they care? Do they focus on your imperfections or beautiful qualities? We all should ask ourselves if we are giving just as much love as we are receiving every day. There is no shame in giving more than we receive.